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Hallam Law Group Scholarship for Children of Incarcerated Parents

Hallam Law Group is happy to announce that we are offering a scholarship aimed at passionate students of incarcerated parents looking to further their education.

Having a parent (or both parents) in jail or prison can take a serious toll on a child’s social behavior and mental health. It can also have a significant impact on that child’s educational prospects. The social stigma, emotional trauma and financial hardships that typically come with an incarcerated parent all play a role in that negative impact.  At Hallam Law Group, we created this scholarship to help students offset that hardship and allow them to focus on their education.

Scholarship Requirements

All applicants must meet the following criteria:

• You must be a junior or senior in high school, or a freshman in a community college or 4-year university (no trade schools).
• You must have at least one parent who has been incarcerated by the Department of Corrections.

How to Apply

To apply, please use the form below to submit an essay explaining how having an incarcerated parents has affected you, your parents, and other members of your family.

There is no word count requirement, but we encourage you to write as much as it takes to effectively convey your current situation. Do not hesitate to tell us more about your background, and how your circumstances may have influenced your goals for the future.

Scholarship Amount

We will select the best entrant to receive $1,000 for any education-related expenses, such as tuition and textbooks.


Summer August 31st, 2024

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